Norfolk & Norwich Art Circle The Rules. 1. Title and Intention. The club or society shall be called “Norfolk & Norwich Art Circle” incorporating the “Woodpeckers Club”. The aim of the Society was to satisfy the long felt need to bring together both professional and amateur artists and also those interested in fine art and having associations with the region. These were the intentions in 1885 of the three founding members, artists Charles John Watson. Edward Elliott and Robert Bagge-Scott for the new club, intentions that remain to this day. 2. Membership. Members shall be over seventeen years old and shall consist of artists or those interested in art and who are associated with the region. 3. Council. The general business of the NNAC shall be managed by a Council of eleven members, Chairman, vice Chairman and nine Council Members. There shall be a Chairman elected at an Annual General meeting for one year and who shall be eligible for re-election for a second year, after which they shall serve as Council Member for one year. Members of the Council shall retire having served their three years and shall not be eligible for re-election until one year has elapsed. (Any period of co-option is not included.) The Secretary and Treasurer shall be ex-officio members. The Council shall have the power to fill vacancies on the Council, to co-opt members and appoint sub committees. At council meetings five members shall form a quorum. 4. Subscriptions. Each member shall pay an annual subscription the amount of which shall be decided at an A.G.M. Any decision to alter the subscription shall be made twelve months before its implementation. In the case only of new members joining the NNAC after the 30th September, 50% of the annual subscription shall be payable for the remaining part of the year. Annual subscriptions are due 1st April annually. 5. Resignations. Any member wishing to withdraw from the Circle shall give notice in writing. Any member whose subscription remains unpaid shall receive two general reminders in the two Newsletters after the A.G.M followed by one personal reminder. If there is no response from the personal reminder within 21 days, their membership shall be terminated. 6. Honorary Membership. The Council shall have the power to elect from time to time, persons who have given outstanding service to the Circle or persons distinguished in the arts as Honorary Life Members and the same honour for members with forty years continuous membership. 7. President. There may be a President who shall be elected at an A.G.M. who shall hold office for three consecutive years and thereafter become Honorary Vice President for life. 8. Secretary. There shall be a Secretary whose duties are to keep proper minutes for recording the proceedings of the Circle, its Council and Committees and to carry out their lawful instructions. The Secretary shall be eligible for re-election at the A.G.M. 9. Treasurer. There shall be a Treasurer whose duties will be to receive all monies and to pay same to the account of the Circle bank. To pay all expenses and render an account of the same, duly attested by the Auditor, to the Circle at it’s A.G.M. 10. Webmaster. There shall be a webmaster with the necessary skills to operate the Circle’s website and enter into it such material as shall be approved by the Council. The Webmaster shall be eligible for re-election at A.G.M. 11. Auditor. There shall be an Auditor who shall be appointed by the Council, who may be a member of the Circle or otherwise. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to check and attest the books of accounts maintained by the Treasurer. 12. Archivist There may be an Archivist who shall be appointed by the Council and whose duties are to keep the records of the Circle’s activities and continuing history. 13. Annual General Meeting. There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Circle during the last two weeks in March of each calendar year, of which twelve days notice shall be given by the Secretary. Twenty members shall form a quorum. 14. Special General Meeting. The Chairman may at any time, and the Secretary, on the requisition of twelve members, shall convene a Special Meeting of which at least twelve days notice shall be given. Twenty members shall form a quorum. 15. Exhibitions. There shall be at least one exhibition of members work each year. They shall be by selection. The selection committee shall be comprised of the ruling Council conducted by the Chairman and shall be held under the title ‘Norfolk and Norwich Art Circle’. At the principal exhibition each year there shall be a catalogue, copies of which shall be passed to the Archivist to ensure the faithful recording of the Circle’s activities and history. 16. Notice of Motion and Alteration of Rules. No alteration to the rules and no proposals affecting the funds of the Circle (other than for its present needful uses or for disbursements), shall be brought forward at the Annual General Meeting, unless fourteen days notice of such meeting, specifying its subject, shall have been given. 17. Majority Vote. At all meetings of the Circle, Council or Committee, the resolution of the majority of members present shall be binding and the Chairman shall have a casting vote. 18. Deficit. In the event of the expenditure exceeding the receipts, the deficit shall be made up by an equal contribution from every member, but no contribution shall be asked for until the assets of the Circle have been exhausted.
The Aims of NNAC The objectives of the Circle are:- To offer encouragement for artists and lovers of art, who live in Norfolk or have an association with the region. To stage two selected exhibitions annually in the best gallery spaces available in Norwich. (The work hung to be selected by the Art Circle Council) To encourage the development of members by the use of significant artists giving demonstrations regarding colour and technique. To offer knowledge and greater appreciation of art by arranging talks about art and artists. To organise visits to important artistic events and art venues. To inform by use of the website and news letter events and members tips and information. To provide a monthly life class paid for by separate subscription.